Tax Calculators

Salary or Dividend tool is designed to help start up and growing businesses decide what is the most tax efficient way to take profits and get most cash.


You might notice that in most cases having a LIMITED company set up and taking advantage of Dividends is most financially sound solution compared to Sole Trader and Full Director's salary. But it is not always the case.


We at Ersumit are experienced working with small businesses and start ups and can help you decide what pay package is best for you. We analyse your situation and find the optimal balance between salary and dividends and advice when is the best time to move to LTD if you are Sole Trader.

This intelligent Tax Wizard calculates all taxes and national insurance contributions for PAYE, Self Employment, Dividend, Capital Gains and Savings Income. 



Try this easy to use calculator. It should help you to get started with your tax planning. Simply select the financial year and add every source of income by clicking + button and you will find out how much tax is taken from you.